I absolutely suck at aquascaping

The right side looks great. The left side is almost there. Maybe work that top-right rock into an arm that reaches to the middle of the tank. I'd try to flip it so the fat end is toward the structure and the narrow end reaches out. You may have to build it out with other rocks, glue and epoxy putty. I'd also plan to put a small island in the center. That could be as simple as a couple of rocks half buried in the sand, sticking up a couple of inches. It'll be a great place for zoanthids, acans, favites, and maybe some eyphylia in the back for height. I'd angle it so the back is off to the left and the front is to the right. You should be able to work that out when you put the structures in the tank. You also may want to put the two big pieces a little more towards the center, but you can work that out in the glass. Remember, you'll want to put coral on the outsides of those structures. They'll grow out into the glass and make it hard to clean.
The right side looks great. The left side is almost there. Maybe work that top-right rock into an arm that reaches to the middle of the tank. I'd try to flip it so the fat end is toward the structure and the narrow end reaches out. You may have to build it out with other rocks, glue and epoxy putty. I'd also plan to put a small island in the center. That could be as simple as a couple of rocks half buried in the sand, sticking up a couple of inches. It'll be a great place for zoanthids, acans, favites, and maybe some eyphylia in the back for height. I'd angle it so the back is off to the left and the front is to the right. You should be able to work that out when you put the structures in the tank. You also may want to put the two big pieces a little more towards the center, but you can work that out in the glass. Remember, you'll want to put coral on the outsides of those structures. They'll grow out into the glass and make it hard to clean.

Thanks very much for info and feedback. Location and angle definitely isnt final. I just started making these and measuring distance from "glass" once I was done. I will definitely move them around and angle better once they are in the tank, and once I am happy with what I have.

I was thinking about small island(s) in the middle for exactly those corals you mentioned, or most at least. I am so far content with how right side came out, left is still WIP. i will give what you said a try for sure. I also plan on building out arm more, but need to do that with cement, as pieces that I have I cant drill for the rods (too skinny) I am also playing around with idea of maybe doing bare bottom. That way I could have more corals on the bottom, but that also means no sand dependent fish. Still lots of time to make that decision. I'll post up again in day or 2 when I have more updates.

Also, as I spent time looking at many threads and people asking for feedback on aquascaping on the other site, I saw exactly what you were talking about in regards to arches. It seems that 99% of people that are scaping for the 1st time always build arches haha. Never noticed that until you mentioned it before.
Did the same thing, spent a couple hours placing and moving rocks till I came up with something I liked. Made sure to leave plenty of swimming room.


Did the same thing, spent a couple hours placing and moving rocks till I came up with something I liked. Made sure to leave plenty of swimming room.

Couple of hours? You are golden. I am on week 2 or maybe even 3 now messing with this lol.
I'm a fan of sandy bottom tanks. They just look better overall. Also, you don't want to deal with scraping corals off the glass bottom if that's where you allow them to grow. You'll find the same number people agree with me as disagree. I'm a fan of 1-3 inches of sand, nothing more. 1 is fine, 3 is where/if it needs to be that deep. It gives pods and other critters a safe place to replicate.

Toy with the design. You're on the right path, you just have to find what's right for you. Don't be scared of glue/epoxy/zip ties. That's how you build shelves. When you find what YOU like, you've found our spot. Take all the feedback you get as a grain of salt. Pick your favorite grains and make it what you like. It's your tank, after all.
Yeah, I always liked sand at the bottom of the tank, and will most likely go with it in this build as well. I just played with idea of maybe trying without sand for a change. Tank is acrylic, so in all honesty I am not sure if that changes things. Obviously it would make it a lot harder to scrape corals off the bottom,a s it scratches a lot easier than glass. I did start using cement today for few pieces, just to see how it will work, and as a trial run. Want to make sure I get it right so that I dont run into problems few months down the road when tank is setup. I'll keep playing with it until as you said I come up with what I am happy with. I do appreciate feedback and info however, as it is always good to get someone else perspective on things. I may have missed something that someone else may see.

Stupid question, can super glue be used on top of cement? Reason I ask is beacause I had idea of super gluing some rubble on top of the cement seams once cement is cured This way cement will be less visible.
I like the look of sand as well but I hate the maintenance. It wasn't long before I removed all of it. The tank is much easier to take care of.