I am losing my favorite sps..help please.


New member
Hello all. I recently replaced my bulbs w/ new and shortly after, I increased flow. My tort colony has been affected for some reason. It started w/ recession just below the tips,now it's getting worse. Some branches are white almost 1/2 way,tissue is just peeling off.:( The tort is however getting an overall more intense color.:confused:

Here's a pic just shortly after it started.
try to lower the tort to the bottom of your tank and shorten the photo period. with your experience i doubt that you have it in a direct flow area and your param's are good. But it does sound like it is stressed and starting to RTN? If the tissue is sluffing off get your frags before it is all gone. Good luck!
I would frag the effected branches and lower your photoperiod.
How long has the recession taken to get 1/2 way down the branches? Is it on all or just some?
I had a friend that had a few of his tips do the same thing from his alk being a little high due to "vapor lock" in his CA reactor. After a week or so they healed nicely.
Last check on ALK was 3.43 a couple days ago. I have snapped a couple of the tips off J, it seems that more of the branches have it. Now I just noticed the small blue acro next to it is doing the same exact thing. They are both in the center under the glass brace. I will do total parameter check.
You mentioned that you recently changed bulbs.
The intensity of the new bulbs may be stressing the coral(s). Since you are unable to move them down, another option would be to use some layers of screening (similar to that used on patio screen doors) in order to reduce the intensity of the bulbs.

Try putting 3 layers of screen (less if too dark), and remove one layer of screen every 4-5 days in order to "acclimate" the corals to the new bulbs.
Thanks for everyone's input so far.
I have seen people say put the screen on, how do you get it to stay, and what kind of screen?
Thanks fishy, I feed a varied diet to the fish.daily, which sometimes includes Zoe,Selcon and cyclop-eeze. Specific feeding for the corals is either Coral Vibrance at night and meaty stuff for the LPS, a couple times a week.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6871737#post6871737 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by waterfaller1
I have seen people say put the screen on, how do you get it to stay, and what kind of screen?

I've been successful by making a wood frame from scrap pieces of wood large enough to sit on the edges of the tank (24" x 24"). The screening was the plastic/fiberglass type used for patio screen-doors (sold in rolls) which I simply stapled to the wooden frame. Addtional screen layers were simpy laid on top of the stapled one.
cut your light time back run them half the time you would normally run them slowly increase the light time over few weeks back up no need to move the coral
First off, nice tank waterfaller. It is totally different from what I've seen of it on SWF several years back.

I would try either to add some screens or cut back photoperiod like suggested. Good luck.
Thanks Steve..and everyone else for the kind words.
Yes..it has come along way from this:CC substrate...check out the aluminum foil on top!:D There were five big rocks w/ GSP..it was like a field of green.I am still fighting a small swatch of that stuff!
Oh nano man..are you talking about the alveopora at the bottom front? I don't have a bubble. All really stinging type LPS and leathers were either moved to my 65 or given away.

that blows, IMO due to not acclimating correctly after new bulbs were added. i always use eggcrate when new corals are added OR bulbs are replaced. i also cut back on photoperiod a good amount for a few days, then bump it up 1/2 hr/day till i'm back to normal. then eggcrate comes off.
I believe he thinks your purple styophora is a bubble coral--it is extremely beautiful--i love stylos...
wow, that's a really cool looking mille!

i would agree w/ the suggestion that you cut the halide photoperiod and slowly increase it; and definitely raise the lights away from your tank if possible