I.D. please... What is it?


New member
My wife and I need someone to help settle a score.

The guy we bought this coral from said it's giant cup coral. We both agree he's an idiot.

I say that it's ricordia. My wife thinks I'm an idiot.

She doesn't know what it is...

What is it?

(Free bristlworms and cyanobacteria if you want it...)

Two views of the same two pieces:

As far as this being a Ricordia, I'm gunna go out on a limb and say that I am 99% sure it is not. As for a cup coral, It is very small and hard to ID it as that. Keep us posted on growth pics. Maybe someone else can provide more insight....
It could be some sort of corallimorph, most likely discosoma. Does it have a hard skeleton when its polyps are contracted?
No skeleton

No skeleton

It definitely doesn't have a skeleton. We have five clowns in the tank and none have shown any interest but I know that not all clowns take to just any anenome.
I'm gonna stick with my guess discosoma, you may have to wait and see how i appears once its grown alittle.

edit: try posting in the corallimorphian forum and see what they say.
If it was elegance it would have a skeleton, and I have no idea what a red morph fox is could you provide a latin name?


Oops, missed the "no skeleton" part, and as for the 'red morph' fox, sorry, I was looking at Eric Bornemans fox (Nemenzophyllia turbida?) pic. I have no idea if it has a red morph, but sometimes I've been mistaken when thinking something had only certain color morphs I knew about. Sorry again! (apparently I also forgot that Nemenzophyllia turbida has no tentacles at all...how embarassing...)
The small piece is about the diameter of a dime when fully extended. The larger piece is about the size of a quarter when fully extended. It doesn't really recede much day to night - the "bubbles" just get a little smaller.
Discoma sanctithomas perhaps? (My best guess, since Amplexidiscus fenestrafer is already out the window.)
whatever it is its SUPER ticked off in that pic, its spewing its insides, both frags I can see insides spewing out. I can't help you id it (def NOT a ric though)but I can say that if its still spewing guts to check out what might be ticking it off. It is pretty though.

Good luck though :)
it's a hairy green mushroom, they get pretty nice and big too, definitely not a giant cup coral... good find either way though