I do not make money in the fish/coral industry


New member
It seems silly to have to post this but it seems I am the topic of way too many peoples conversations.
I have been a hobbyist for a very long time and several years back I built a few items for peoples aquariums but not as a business. Now I only help friends out.
I have made a ton of friends and I guess I have upset a few folks along the way. That is too bad because it wasn't my intention.
I have not purchased corals or fish or drygoods and resold them for a profit. YET. All the talk is kind of making me think about starting a business but I am honestly probably 2 lazy with a full time job and 2 business's completely detached from the industry.
So now that the "truth" is out there certain people can find someone else to make up stuff about.

After saying all this my tank is growing very well finally and I will have to make some room and start cutting some pieces soon.

By the way I picked up a few frags from Nitr8 yesterday and he has one of the most beautiful tanks I have ever seen in person.
Nope , no need to go anywhere. It is just out here so people can see it. Mods can close the thread actually. I just got to the end of my tolerance with this rumor mill and people asking about my so called business.
This post makes me think I must not be paying attention.

Glad to hear you tank is doing well sir!
I just want to know what pieces will be available. :) Nice meeting you at Steve's the other day Rob.
This post makes me think I must not be paying attention.

Glad to hear you tank is doing well sir!

I'm right there with you dude. No idea what this whole thing is about, but it is always nice to hear that someone else's tank is doing good.

Congrats Rob!!!
Thanks guys.

Matt I have no idea it just gets old. It has been a real turn off lately.

Very glad things have come around myself.
Mostly typical acros and euphylia. I don't cut to make money though. Only to make room so it won't be a lot unless you need xenia. Which you can have some for free. :)
I've bought a few things from you Rob and you were practically giving it away lol.
Sad that some people are saying things like that about anyone in the hobby..
If we do make any money we then immediately go and "reinvest" it directly back into our own tank lol

Its a Vicious cycle...
You too, huh.... I have a business idea... Being that there's so much drama in the Tampa Bay reefing community and people can't mind their business, I think we have the perfect script for a realty TV production. Perhaps we call it the "The REAL housereefers of Tampa Bay"
You too, huh.... I have a business idea... Being that there's so much drama in the Tampa Bay reefing community and people can't mind their business, I think we have the perfect script for a realty TV production. Perhaps we call it the "The REAL housereefers of Tampa Bay"

now that's funny :) !!