I do not make money in the fish/coral industry



You too, huh.... I have a business idea... Being that there's so much drama in the Tampa Bay reefing community and people can't mind their business, I think we have the perfect script for a realty TV production. Perhaps we call it the "The REAL housereefers of Tampa Bay"


you are on the money!!!!!!!! LMAO. Sadly its true. Still trying to seeing how we can make a living off of this as I sure heck spend far more than I should.
What's also funny is, hearing about the drama that goes on between the store owners as well. Come on can't everyone just get along? :beer:
Make money that's funny lmao. I'm at least 15k in the hole. I don't think we get into it for money. If we did we would all be poor. I own 3 businesses. Non of witch r in the fish coral aquaculture realm. We all get addicted to the fun of watching underwater life grow in r living rooms. This whole thing is crazy. If we lived in another state it wouldn't even be an issue. Government sucks that's all there is to it.
What's also funny is, hearing about the drama that goes on between the store owners as well. Come on can't everyone just get along? :beer:

I called a dealer a week ago and they were complaining about another dealer. Not really sure why they hate each other but I thought it was kinda odd to hear. I figured dealers would be good friends in the reefing community, especially if you love it enough to open a store.
Still confused as to where this big rumor mill is ?

- TBRC on RC ?
- LFS ?
- TBRC on FB ?
- Monthly TBRC mtgs ?

No need to call people out personally. As others have stated there is enough drama in the area. Spewing names would only make it worse.
I just had several people from several areas outside of our own mention "things".
I make money except this needs replaced that needs upgrading and yup back to even again....lol

Dont BS we all know your tank is practically a money printing machine.