I found this sand at Wal-Mart today - What do you think?

From what I recall, the problem is that silica sand has sharp edges, while aragonite tends to be small balls (from disolving and wear). So for Benthic (sand dwelling) creatures, aragonite is better.

It is the same sand. Maybe course isn't accurate, but its not powdery. Someone told me it was marble when I got it, I think. I did have life in that sand before I broke the tank down, worms and stuff. It worked fine for me and was nice and white for a while (2 years). I'll bet your safe using it as long as it's not colored by some toxic additives
Side-by-Side Comparison

Side-by-Side Comparison

Here is some pix to get a better idea of what this Wal-Mart Beach Sand looks like. It's obvious to me that there are some larger chunks of either coral or shell or whatever in there. I've lost my magnifying glass and these eyes are too tired to inspect these chunks close up.

For comparison, I've also included a sample of a crushed calcium poultry feed supplement that the local feed store carries. This is not crushed oyster shell, but whatever calcium it's composed of, it is very similar to very fine sand. Probably finer than table salt.

The Wal-Mart Beach Sand reminds me of Kosher salt, if that's any help to you.

I just did get this new camera this week so I'm still figuring it all out, but I suppressed the flash on these macro shots and the room light was a very yellow spectrum, due to the lamp shade color. So the tan color of the Beach Sand is a bit deceptive. The styrofoam plate is about as white as white can get, so that will give you something to compare the colors to.



That actually looks pretty decent, Guy. From your picture, most of the grains appear between 0.20mm and 0.75mm, with some larger chunks mixed in. I went with a sand that was 90 mesh (all grains below 0.16mm) but I'm afraid that may be too small a grain for practical reasons--the stuff is like dust and I'm afraid it'll take half of eternity to settle any time something stirs it up. I may have to head up to wally world before I add water this weekend.

As for silica sand causing problems: http://advancedaquarist.com/issues/jan2003/feature.htm . Good info there. Maybe I'll be able to keep a sponge in this tank! :rollface:
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Yes, I read that piece from Randy back when it was first published. Good info indeed.

Small grain size can be problematic. When I first found the crushed calcium at the feed store I was really excited that I had found a good calcareous media to use as sand. But when it gets wet, it compacts almost like mud, because it's so fine. Enough where I would not want to use it for a sand bed. It may do well if it were mixed with a more conventional sand, like maybe the Wal-Mart stuff. That way it would have less tendency to compact.

As for finding this stuff in the Seattle area, I wouldn't get your hopes too high. I would think that freight for heavy sand would be pretty stiff from St. Louis. But ya never know :)
If people really want aragonite sand so badly, I'll be happy to take a 2 hour drive to Ft. Pierce, pick up a couple of tons then rebag it, sell it for $0.50/lb. + S&H... if I do this on a weekly basis, in a couple of years I should be able to retire.

But be forewarned, grain size can be anywhere from .5mm to golf ball in the same bag... I'll even throw in the occasional seashell and cat turd for free. :lmao:
I'd almost bet that a guy in your position could make a pretty nice chunk of change where he able to drive a dump truck load of it to MACNA XVIII in Pittsburgh. Just set up shop out in the parking lot under an E-Z Up canopy, with the aragonite, a shovel, a roll of poly bags, a 100lb feed scale, and you're in biz :)
Guy (but leave the turds at home) :lol:
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9641381#post9641381 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coyoteseven
If people really want aragonite sand so badly, I'll be happy to take a 2 hour drive to Ft. Pierce, pick up a couple of tons then rebag it, sell it for $0.50/lb. + S&H... if I do this on a weekly basis, in a couple of years I should be able to retire.

But be forewarned, grain size can be anywhere from .5mm to golf ball in the same bag... I'll even throw in the occasional seashell and cat turd for free. :lmao:

They show Carib Sea Aragamax at $23 for 30lbs before shipping.

You can get it here for $15 before shipping. Aragamax

That's almost 33% less!
DRBDC...actually, I was recently at Lowes and Home Depot here in Spokane, WA. They carry Southdown playsand. It's silicate based. Says so right on the bag. I was surprised to say the least. For some reason, the Southdown on the east side of the US is aragonite based. What's even more surprising is that silicates are supposedly against health regulations to be used in playground areas...lol...go figure.
I use the playsand from lowes 5" DSB mixed with the quickrate ultra fine sand, no problems at all. There are plenty of creatures in the sand and the fish doesn't seem bothered by it, they yellow watchman is allways sandsifting.
I just ordered some aragamax from drsfostersmith and it was 22.99 and for 6 bags they got me for only 13 bucks shipping.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9642762#post9642762 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by returnofsid
DRBDC...actually, I was recently at Lowes and Home Depot here in Spokane, WA. They carry Southdown playsand. It's silicate based. Says so right on the bag. I was surprised to say the least. For some reason, the Southdown on the east side of the US is aragonite based. What's even more surprising is that silicates are supposedly against health regulations to be used in playground areas...lol...go figure.

Does it say "Southdown Tropical Playsand"?

We used to get both types on the east.
I used that exact wall mart sand in my FOWLR tank. It is definitely silica based as it hasn't broken down in the tank at all. I have not had any problems with silicates/algae from adding this sand to my existing tank. It stays relatively white even after it's wet.

As someone mentioned, you will have to wash this sand quite a bit, as there were a few bits of things in there. I just rinsed and added to the tank.

I'll see if I can find a pic of my tank that shows the sand and put it up here.
Yeah, the more I thought about this stuff, the more I realized that it's what I'm looking for. So I went back to Wally Market today and picked up 5 more bags, for a total of 7. That ought to get my new tanks brightened up :)

A few of you locals have PM'd me about where I got this stuff. This morning they still had a half pallet plus it looked like another 'wrapped' pallet right behind it. So they will probably be able to set you guys up OK.