I found this sand at Wal-Mart today - What do you think?

I bought some "Kolorscape" sand for less than 2 bucks at Wal Mart last year. It was calcium based and is still in the garage. Not sure I'm going to use it in the new tank, I sure like the Caribsea in my older tanks...
The "Gulf Coast" stuff sure looks like silica to me. A guy that lives around the corner from me has straight out silica sand in a cube with an eel that likes to burrow in the stuff with no problems... Dunno what it is but I ust don't care for the look.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9649699#post9649699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hllywd
......The "Gulf Coast" stuff sure looks like silica to me.

It probably is Tim.
It would not dissolve ANY when I gave it the acid test.
The best source of sand is ... other reefers! Check your local club forums for people leaving the hobby or downsizing, or going bare bottom tank.

We had a group buy for Southdown a couple of years ago, with shipping to a local HD, it actually turned out to be $20 a bag anyway ... though they were 50lb bags, not 20lbs (like the quantity Caribsea sells in its bags).

something else to check is brick and mortar suppliers. ask for white sand for white mortar. cheap, is not aragonite but looks like it. i believe its white quartz.
Yes, back in the beginning that was my first inclination also. But the only two masonry supply outfits in my area had nothing close to what I would have in my tanks.