I fragged one now it looks like the whole colony is dying!?


New member

I fragged 2-3 polyps off these by taking a credit card and scraping htem up and gluing on another rock last week sometime and they stayed closed for a few days. Today it appears as if the whole coloney is dying or soemthing. There is mucus all over it and polyp heads are falling off!

I'll post another picture soon of what they look like now.
I took a powerhead and blew them some so, most of hte mucus is gone and a few of the heads fell off. Here is what they look like now... within like 5 days of fragging. :(

It even looks like its affecting my anthelia! What should I do?!!?

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c'mon guys. Even a remote guess would be acceptable atm. I'm kind of in emergency mode here trying to make sure I do the right thing. So far, I've moved them lower in the tank and put more flow directed at them.

Please advise.
It may be just because they are recovering from being fragged. I have seen my zoos do this sometimes too. Give it a week or so, and check on their progress.
If its affecting other things in the tank - I'd venture to guess that either they released something into the tank, or that something in the tank is awry. What kind of parameters do you have going on there?

What kind of flow did they polyps recieve after fragging? In my experience those particular palys, or protopalys, or whatever they are (not zoas) slime over quite a bit after being fragged and need to have the mucus removed or it sort of chokes them out. How's the frag doing? I'd reccomend getting them into a bit higher flow.
Yeah, a lot of softies expell stuff when they are cut, that could have been what happened. Also try moving them into an area of higher flow to get the dead tissue blown off. Also I would do an iodine dip.
they look like they are getting choked by the mucus. try brushing the slime off them with a soft toothbrush.
Those polops are pretty hard to kill, I've had them burried in sand , you name it, there tuff they will be ok.

Next time you frag them use a wood chisel and chip a piece of the rock they are attached to. Much easier and less stress than scraping, if any thing use a knife and chip just a little of the rock they are attached to.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6682241#post6682241 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmondo
Yeah, a lot of softies expell stuff when they are cut, that could have been what happened. Also try moving them into an area of higher flow to get the dead tissue blown off. Also I would do an iodine dip.

This is exactly what I told you this early evening!!! I hope it gets better!!!
Wow, those are looking pretty rough... The white fungus looking stuff doesn't look good to me... Any updates on how they are doing?

IMO, if they haven't recovered by now, I would frag off any thing that looks like it has that white fungus on it... JMO....
I had a rock of well established zoos that looked just like that after I moved them to another tank. I believe they just got really stressed from the move. I lost about 1/3 of the colony but after about 2 weeks they are starting to bounce back. I would leave them be for now the more you move them and fuss with them the more stress they'll be under the longer it will take to recover. It's A catch 22!

Hope they're alright!! ~Dee~
give them a little more time to recuperate.. after a week, if they're not doing any better, I would take any healthy polyps and frag them.. those guys grow pretty fast..
