I freakin watched him do it!!!!

I've torn apart a tank to catch a fish, it's no fun at all. My suggestion would be to try draining it first; set up a few Rubbermaid bins, siphon the water into them (the brief time out of water won't hurt the corals) and dig a hole in the sand where the fish will eventually collect as the water level lowers. Once there's only a couple inches of water left and he's got nowhere left to go, scoop him out into a bucket and refill the tank. If that doesn't work, do a teardown and consider it an opportunity to re-aquascape :)
haha I got a friends fish out yesterday buy using a water pump and some wide tubing. Basically I sucked his fish out, but be sure to have a way to have him stop before he gets sucked into the pump. I used a small screen.

Within 3 gallons he was out and on his way to the LFS.
wow...great thread chicken connoneer... and thanks guys for all of the other responses.... now my question is, because i think i have decided to go with the drain method, is how will my clamm react to the lack of water? will he be okay?
okay, so far...
1. vase trick...no good
2. plastic bag trick with food...nuhuh
3. sucking out with siphon hose....i was surprised this didnt work
4. food in net...nope
5. screaming, yelling and cursing at him at the top of my lungs....i actually think i saw him laugh.....

so, i am left to....
1. tearing down the tank and re-aquascaping...
2. Draining the tank, leaving the corals exposed to air for a few minutes and grab him
3 Put epoxy on his favorite hole......WHILE he is inside......haha. j/k....

BTW, THIS SUCKS!!!! anyone who has sps, be careful about putting any blenny in your tank.....
I say go fishin! Its not every day that you can fish in saltwater without leaving your own house! :D
In all seriousness, try the non barbed hook method first. Many people have done it with great success! (and who knows what else you might snag along the way.)

I had the same problem with a bi-color blenny. I made a trap from a 20 oz plastic soda bottle. Cut the top 1/3 of the bottle off. Invert the top and insert it into the large opening just created by the cut. Secure with super glue or epoxy. Put some frozen food inside the bottle and place it near his favorite hideout. Now wait. It took 3 days but he finally swam in and could not get out. The opening was not large enough for any other of my fish to enter.
drain it. the corals and clams will be fine. although i've had fish survive in a "dry" rock for 2 days and then suddenly appear in the rock bin after water is added.
i am gonna have to take a hook with me next time i go to the lfs. think they will let me hang out and fish? i might have to do this for fun in my cichlid tank.... jk
Ladies and Gentlemen...... "WE GOT HIM!"

yep, had to do a little re-aquascaping.....but fortunately did not have to tear the whole thing down....the tear down ended up being easier than i thought it would be because he stayed in his little hole the whole time.... plus i got to epoxy a few frags i had been too lazy too!!

So, mission "catch the b@stard blenny" was successful!!!! I want to thank you all of you guys for all of your opinions, ideas, and encouragement.... now, its time to find a replacement....im thinking black cap basslet or royal gramma....thanks again... :beer:

Its also weird, most of the times you re-aquascape it looks better for some reason.... :dance:
I used a fish trap from drsfosterandsmith for most of my fish.

For my wrasse I just remove the rock he slept in and he came with it.
The resason it's looks better is because you're not used to seeing it that way. My wife is constantly moving the livingroom furniture around. It is a breath of fresh air, but dang, sometimes I like the old configuration.
well, its time for a trip to the LFS for this little guy...very cool fish, but i guess he decided he did not want to be my friend anymore.....
You do realize that almost ALL fish will nip/bother your corals once in a while? How much damage has been done by the little rascal? Unless it's something that's ruining your corals I would let it be.