I got an octo as a hitchiker

Well he has eaten 2 firefish 1 blue dot puffer and 1 clownfish
My nano is now holding mollies for him to eat since we have 10 footers off the reef and all crabs are pretty much wiped out
I dropped in 3 hermits and he used 3 tentacles to grab them and that wa sa good snack .. .
He is still in there
He comes out about 1 hour or 2 a day that I know of
I just got him about 50 new hermits I got in the woods by the beach???
Both of my Picassos are well fed right now with them in there.. Man triggers are Messy...
He ate my percula clown also

I had to move and had him in a container by himself threw in a crab that hid next to my anemoes(would sting him) and he ate it ..
My bud who has a 200gl told me knows the time to get rid of his arse
I let him stay... When/if they ink kill all pumps and it just goes into nothing..
Kids like watching him kinda a conversation topic when peeps come over since he is locally caught(as with 80% of my fish)...
Well its been about 2 weeks since he has had any food that I know of
Not trying to starve him but there are crabs in the tank but he aint eating them
But dang he loves a good firefish.. (he has eaten 5 so far)
In this pic you can see 1 of the 50+ hermit crabs I put in the tank
although my 2 picassos probably ate 40 of them... GAWD I hate picassos

On a side note I went to take a leak outside (yeah I know) and something was touching my foot I thought the cat got outside so I kicked it but realized there was no fur
This thing would of/could of taken off my toe or toes
Coconut crab..
Well last night my triggers were going nuts...
Going nuts on my octo.. He was out at night with the lights on which he usually isnt.. He was kinda in a rock but they were eating his tentacles.. They never messed with him before..
Just flushed him and he was barely alive with 5 tents eaten only way I could get him was the trigger pulled him out and dragged him all over the place which allowed me to net him..
The triggers and octo are both locally caught by me so I guess circle of life??
Oh and last night the 9 year old girl/kid cried for hours after seeing the triggers wipe the octo out..
Maybe I shouldnt of fed the triggers fresh squid???
OCtos give up at the end of their life, while normally octos would eat triggers when they begin to sinese they are easy game, and the fish sense that.
Yeah thats what I told my girl but she said if we didnt have the triggers the octo wouldnt of starved...
The only reason I caught the triggers was to wipe out the crab population which the octo would of done all fat and jolly..
I must admit I do miss him ..
Not that Im gonna go catch another one but I think the triggers are going back home anyways ..