I have a fish re homing decision to make, need help lol


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Okay so I've been upgrading my tank as my favorite fish grows. It's a porcupine puffer. It's my very first saltwater fish I purchased almost 4 years ago. Well as of recently he has gotten pretty aggressive. I just purchased a very nice extreme davinchi clownfish pair and I watched him eat the larger one seconds after the lights turned off then he started chasing the smaller one. I quickly stuck my hand in the tank and distracted him while I yelled to wake my GF up to get the fish net. I captured the other davinchi clown and put him in my sump. I've done some research and found that the porc puffers although super calm can go rogue and eat everything​ including tangs and some triggers. Although he is my favorite fish, and the reason I am still in the hobby, at what point would you say it's time for you to make a decision? It's hard for me to re home any animal I own, but on the flip side I don't like buying things and them becoming food either. looking for some suggestions on what you would do if you were in my situation. Thanks in advance, Nathan

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If u love him so much don't add any more fish and keep him
That's definitely my first option, is to keep him for sure. But he is growing faster than my tangs that I have (sailfin and yellow eye kole). So now I'm thinking they are next on the menu eventually.

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Any time a situation like this comes up for me, free on Craigslist, like bye Felicia. Lol
LOL! if it came to that I'd wanna make sure it's to a larger fish only tank and I'd definitely mention that any fish under 3-4" will be food.

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Yes, of course :) I definitely feel transparency is a must! That way you know the fish is getting a good home.
Ideally I'd like a 200dd or even a 300dd if I can find one (as a final tank). But I've made a decision to try to find the porc a new home. Just gotta find someone that has a large tank. I don't know if aquariums take in donation fish or not, but that would be a perfect place for him to go would be the Florida aquarium in Tampa.

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Just sent the Tampa aquarium an email. I highly doubt they take in donation fish, but I figured I'd ask anyways

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Let me know what you find, I have a large one as well I need to rehome. probably 10"+
Great fish, Great personality, but the tank he is in is going to be a reef tank so he has to go.
I've been in a similar situation. Love their personality, kids favorite fish, but the bioload as they grow can get crazy. I never had mine go after other fish, but any new additions would be fair game if too small. I traded mine in at a store and replaced it with a Valentini/Sharpnose puffer with no regrets.
I've been in a similar situation. Love their personality, kids favorite fish, but the bioload as they grow can get crazy. I never had mine go after other fish, but any new additions would be fair game if too small. I traded mine in at a store and replaced it with a Valentini/Sharpnose puffer with no regrets.
Are the sharp nose ones relatively reef safe? Itd be nice to have a clean up crew again LOL

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Are the sharp nose ones relatively reef safe? Itd be nice to have a clean up crew again LOL

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I have several "relatively or with caution" fish and the puffer doesn't seem to bother what I have which is limited to large hermits and Mexican turbos. Anything small wouldn't last long regardless.
I have several "relatively or with caution" fish and the puffer doesn't seem to bother what I have which is limited to large hermits and Mexican turbos. Anything small wouldn't last long regardless.
I'll have to look into one of those. I see they stay relatively small too. Which is good. First I gotta find a good home for George lol

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