What may I have in the house to use as an alternative for now? I have peroxide, iodine, cipro etc. I live in a small town.....any input appreciated. This is my first ever outbreak! TIA, Nancy
Okay....I was getting no responses so I just dipped in a dose of Vit c...and not a scientific amount. I have $10 invested in the 2 frags. Will post results and order furan shortly!
sorry no one chimmed in to help out. I got a small colony from my LFS with POX. and its been 2 weeks in QT with with a nano korallio pointed above them. 1.025 and temp at 80f. have been doing 1 gallon water changes every day on a 20 gallon QT tank. 36 watt pc 50/50 on for 10 hr cycle. the POX have disappeared and the colony is showing signs of growth. I will Qt them for another week or so. Hope this helps
ps. funny thing they had a frag of the same Zoas in another tank for $20 a head. gave them $20 for 15+ . took a gamble and so far its workn out (nock on wood)
Go easy with hydrogen peroxide. I used it once mixed with equal parts tank water and nearly killed the zoos I dipped. It took them 3 weeks to open again. I wouldn't go any stronger than 4 parts tank water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide. 6 or 8 to 1 might even be better (more tank water, less strong).
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