New member
I know i have asked this before in the past weeks, and i REALLY appreciate the people who responded and offered to give me some, but ihave been traveling back and forth to ft myers the last couple weeks and low and behold im going again this weekend (fri-sun). But if anyone in my area (davie) has a hand ful of free cheato they can afford to give up i would greatly appreciate it. I would have to meet tomorrow morning though or friday morning or early afternoon because im leaving for the west coast early friday evening around 5. I FINALLY finished my sump, which was another reason for the set back, and id like to put in some macro algea. Also if you have any other types of beneficial algea, like caluerpa or something else less sexual or reproductive......(no green hair algea though, lol) i would take that as well as i would like to stock my refugium with more than 1 kind of algea. Thanks all in advance.