I may go all SPS


Reef Guru
I am thinking of going to an all SPS tank. That means I might have alot of LPS for sale at the frag swap. By the way, we must have one of the slowest moving forums on RC. I wish more people in the Memphis area reefed, or posted more.
i was thinkin the same thing once but then acan came in strong, might consider another tank for lps and zoas. somebody will have a lps one day you cant do without. I agree with the previous comments!
I had an Acan fascination at one point a year or so ago. They have some really beautiful exotic colors in the Ultra (and a price $$$ to go with it). When I found how slow they grow, I lost my love for them. The echinatas seem to grow fast than the lords. I still have some, but love the challenge of growing SPS and getting them to have great coloration.
with the recent pics ive seen of your tank your having no problem with sps , its looking great

Thanks! Getting rid of alot of my LPS will let me have more room for more SPS. Right now I have to make sure that none of my SPS is within 'sweeper tentacle' range of the LPS.
i've never seen the fascination with acans, nor the reason people pay so much. i've always favored sps's in my tank.
i've never seen the fascination with acans, nor the reason people pay so much. i've always favored sps's in my tank.

Seeing Ultras like these is what got me to liking them originally. But I am not going to pay the cash for them.







I am an LPS junkie and have been for sometime, but I agree the cost of acans is crazy! If you go SPS onereef let me know so I can be prepared for the swap!