I never paid $600 for these

theres a lot of these around th uk are they ope


Now, what rootie has is the true RPE (OPE from zoaid). Those will change colors depending on lighting. I have experimented with them. Higher K, and you get red, lower K and you get orange. I had them under 12K's and they were decidely orange. Under 15K, they are decidedly red... The darker center around the mouth is the tell tale. That is a nice colony, rootie. Even those are going for a premium at LFS around here, and very few LFS in this area know what the crazes are. This is a battle of words that can't be won. Some pay extra to follow a lineage (this happens alot with SPS and some zoas). It likely started with Perun's PPE's, but all of the Tyree corals and other LE's bring in a handsome price if they have a traced lineage. Some collectors will only buy certain things if it can be traced back to the original namer. Agree or disagree with the pricing, to some it is about lineage, even though that coral came from the ocean so there is obviously more of it out there. In many cases, it is a matter of generational differences from wild to captive raised, which is why many wild corals that look like the LE's lose color initially. Over time, they will likely develop the color and hold it.
Hey guys,

It's really disturbing how people get all heated on the boards.

Reefrunt, what you have are RPE's I've seen soo many RPE's, and depending on how you light them and or how you photograph them they will look orangy.

A very nice colony of RPE's though, they will get more metalic if given good conditions.

RPE colonies pop in LFS all the time, but even so, a colony for $40 is a great find, because they are indeed beautiful.

Kindest Regards,

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8128245#post8128245 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Juan-Carlos
Hey guys,

It's really disturbing how people get all heated on the boards.

Reefrunt, what you have are RPE's I've seen soo many RPE's, and depending on how you light them and or how you photograph them they will look orangy.

A very nice colony of RPE's though, they will get more metalic if given good conditions.

RPE colonies pop in LFS all the time, but even so, a colony for $40 is a great find, because they are indeed beautiful.

Kindest Regards,


Really, why would anyone get upset with an outrageous price?Starving actors have to eat! :lol:
Who is talking about price here? I am talking about morphs, and all the debate and hostility. Bill your reply makes no sence, Who is starving here?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8128557#post8128557 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Juan-Carlos
Who is talking about price here? I am talking about morphs, and all the debate and hostility. Bill your reply makes no sence, Who is starving here?

the title of the thread is i never paid $600 for these

that is why the price talk. and he was joking about the starving artists
I understand that,

But everyone was argueing whether or not it was "this" morph or "that" morph.

I must be imune to jokes ;)

Kindest Regards,
well my colony cost £10 and it was 2xbigger than it is now as i went 50/50 with a friend

i also have a nice colony of eagle eyes that are more red than orange about 100 polyps cost £8

there's a lot of people that moan there's no nice corals in the UK but i think they are not looking hard enough

i would never pay more than £40 for a colony and i think $600 per polyp is outrageous

I was joking Juan.;)

While we have you here...
Do you forsee your EO's coming down in price soon?

You're a conscientious hobbyist and want to share your precious corals with the entire community.:D
Hey there Bill,

For now, the demand is too high and the supply is almost non existent so the answer is no. For a long time I sold them for $50 per polyp and all of you had the opportunity to buy them at that price.

You're a conscientious hobbyist and want to share your precious corals with the entire community.

You are right Bill, many have gotten 'Envy Oranges' for Free from me. I just can't make everyone happy.:smokin:

Kindest Regards,


No problem, I understand.
How about not selling them at all? Why not wait until the supply grows and you can sell at a more reasonable price?

Either way, you're getting a lot of publicity, good and bad.
If I don't sell them, then I am an A-hole for being a Zoa Hog. ha ha
Regardless, there is only one polyp left for now.

HA HA great picture RevHtree!!! I love it ;P :lol: Everyone will have 'Envy Oranges' now ;)

Take care guys,


You're nuts.:wildone: I hope this plays out well for you.
You're not an A-****. You're just making yourself look a "little" selfish to the community, that's all.

Hey, people here come and go, some stay.
You've stayed and I respect that. It would be great if Envy Orange zoas were not for sale at all. This time next year, all of this talk would just be a bad memory.;)

You're a smart guy, you'll give these away soon, I can feel it. Besides, they're more like a burden.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8129919#post8129919 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RevHtree
Hey Jon I hope you dont mind, but I made you some OE's out of your pic.




lol , thanks for doing that : )

someone needed to mention the powers of photoshop.