I think I found a glitch in ESL programming


New member
So, despite my frustration in an earlier thread, and a few quirks here and there, I have been playing around with scheduling my VorTechs and.... It's pretty darn cool.

I have however noticed some behaviour that I don't know is normal. I had three different times throughout the day when the pumps would enter ReefCrest at the same time, running independently at the same power level (no slave). Every time they enter ReefCrest, they are synced together. So either there is some glitch in the program, or ReefCrest is not truly random and they are simply running the identical program (which I doubt). I worked around it by staggering the starting times by a minute, but I thought it was an interesting observation. I haven't tried it with different modes, but I have tried differing programs right before the "synced" program, as well as synced and anti-synced modes, and it's the same behaviour.