I think my tank is in trouble

with a grounding probe you literally stick the one end in the tank and then the other end into that third hole in a socket. that's the grounding line. it'll ground and access electricity you've got in you're tank, but is only a bandaid for the problem!
my probe was finally calibrated after 2 years and it was off by .6 LOL.
pays to pay attention to your tank LOL
Well I found the issue. Thanx to the guys at EcoReef my KH was at 5. Apparently all my tests were giving me bad results. My calcium which was 550 according to my test was at 440 there. My phosphates which was at .1 on my test was at .18.

I am dosing PH/ALK and I will keep you all posted.

My thanx to the guys at EcoReef. Man I hat test kits that dont work:mad2:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
What test kit were u using? which test kit did Eco-reef used?
pls very interested.