ICECAP ReefCam Underwater Aquarium Video Camera

Okeefes Reef
Anybody using an ICECAP ReefCam Underwater Aquarium Video Camera. I just purchased one here Friday. This looks pretty cool if it really works. Should know if it works by Saturday. I'll keep you posted.


Nope. I had a tec guy try to install it for me .no success. This is not a plug and play. Going to try one more tec expert then send it back.
Tec tank guys

Tec tank guys

Any local tec guys want to try to set this up on your tank. Just to prove to me how this works today? I'm in Hudson:headwally:
man that sucks. I never thought about streaming inside of the tank. I do stream my octo tank but thats just with a web cam. Hope you get it working.
Either way you will have to open a port in your router....And I would assign a IP to it too. If you dont all ready know....


OK we got it working on both our phones. Mine looses the connection about 3' from the tank My kids phone looses it about a block away is this normal? THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE HELP.
OK we got it working on both our phones. Mine looses the connection about 3' from the tank My kids phone looses it about a block away is this normal? THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE HELP.

Sounds like its only working on WIFI. At least your sons, that makes sense, he loses wifi after a block. Not sure why yours only works at 3 feet ? If you have it on a ip address , you should be able to pull it up anywhere.