The good old ich/white spot debate.
I'm by no stretch of the imagination an expert on this but have run in to (into) the ich problem a few times, and have spent many hours researching how to get rid of it. If your tank is like mine, catching fish is no easy task and you only get to catch a fish when it's very unwell.
From what i've found through research, and talking to many people, is that you can never get rid of it (ich) completely. Some fish are more prone then others, and yes the old debate that only stressed or unwell fish will get ich or white spot...
I have noted myself, in my tank that it seems only if the power has gone out for some time or some other mechanical failure has occured, and the fish are already stressed out, i do expect ich.
I now have a backup generator, if the power goes out.
Additonally, whenever i get any new fish i ask the shop to dose with 'stress guard'. Also, i no longer float fish in their bag in the tank but instead put them in a bucket and use an air line to siphon tank water to the bucket, then i add stress guard into the bucket.
The bucket seems to not stress out a new fish as much as floating the bag in your tank.
Fish don’t normally swim at the top of the water as this is where something might eat it. In a bag your new fish can see the tank and other fish, yet can’t get to (hide) the tank. i
I have used 'medic' by polyp lab because it seems to be the only treatment that is 100% reef safe, but it does require dosing every 12 hours. Also UV and ozone will help to control it (ich) before it attaches to your fish. If anyone out there has more experience or success in treating or getting rid of the ich/white spot please let me know