ich in a reef-tank


New member
I have a 90G reef with about 150 lb of live rock and various corals and inverts, and abou 12 small fish incl a juv regal blue tang. The tang broke out in ich and now all the fish have it.

Any suggestions? Should I just ride it out? I added garlic to the feed today...
I hate to say this but I had the same problem and was going to try to ride it out but it did not look like it was going to work. Two weeks into it, I lost a one of my fish and decided it was time to pull all of the fish out and put them in a QT tank. What a disaster getting the fish out. Had to remove virtually all of the rock - not a happy day. Good luck and let me know how it goes.
I had to drain my tank down to about three inches to get my fish out. After about a week in the QT, they are all doing fine.
I love tangs and they are ich magnets after losing many battles decide to purchase a QT, best investment made IMO.