Ich treatment Fallow


Ok so my fish have/had ich so I have now taken the 3 remaining fish out of my DT and put them in my Qt tank. I am going to leave my DT fishless for the next 8 -10 weeks and leave the fish in the QT for the same time. Do i need to treat the fish in the QT if it is only has fish and a Piece of PVC for them to hide in? no sand or rock at all in the QT. For the last (3) weeks there has been no sign of Ich on the fish(no white spots anywhere i have seen). Please advise as to what i should do.
Unless you want to risk introducing the parasite into your tank again you need to treat the fish via tank transfer method, hyposalinity, or copper.
Unless you want to risk introducing the parasite into your tank again you need to treat the fish via tank transfer method, hyposalinity, or copper.

I thought since there is no sand that in the 8 - 10 weeks the fish are in QT the Ich would die off without having to medicate or tank transfer. Am I looking at it wrong?

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The parasite doesn't need sand to complete its life cycle. Your fish can be carrying the parasite in their gills in very low levels. That could be why you don't see any signs of the disease. But if you make the effort to leave your display fallow for that long, the IMO it would be a mistake to not treat your fish. Otherwise the fallow period is fairly pointless.
The parasite doesn't need sand to complete its life cycle. Your fish can be carrying the parasite in their gills in very low levels. That could be why you don't see any signs of the disease. But if you make the effort to leave your display fallow for that long, the IMO it would be a mistake to not treat your fish. Otherwise the fallow period is fairly pointless.

I just hate giving anything a medication if not needed. I guess I will be going to be buying some meds. How long do I need to treat with copper? I have never used it before so I do not know how to do it.

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If you have the space you can use the tank transfer method. It's much easier on the fish than copper, especially when some species don't tolerate copper as well as others. Each of the the three treatments have their pros and cons. Do your research and see what option works best for you. Given the option, I always go with tank transfer as my first option.