ID on some new algae

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New member
Looks like Chondrus crispus to me....usually C.crispus is more "bushy" than the pic in question but if it's just starting to grow it could be single stalks of C.crispus. Could also be Rhodymenia pseudopalmata if your LR is from the Gulf of Mexico or Florida?
More than likely it's Chondrus sp. HTH

Hey bud.

If it's what I think it is... It might be what some people are selling them as Tang Heaven. I'm not sure though. I do see Nippon and also the 6th ave aquarium selling a rock that has that algea growing on them for around $20... I do have some in my tank.. it's not bad in my opinion.
I agree that it could be carrageenan. But the pre-bulb form of Botryocladia (skottsbergii or Red 'Valonia' if you will), or even the Gracilaria mentioned by Pikaboo can look like that too. Heck, there's a lot of others that could fit the bill this early on.

I'd probably keep a close eye on it and post another pic when it grows into a more identifiable size.

[This message has been edited by horge (edited 01-29-2000).]
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