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New member
this is a strange litle one i picked up nice and wierd so thought i gotta have it

photo doesnt show it to well as its very camoflaged and difficult to photo

it seems active like a mini elephant ear when it closes up etc

any ideas people ?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8351475#post8351475 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ek9vboi
maybe some sort of bubble mushroom?

sorry never heard of them ? any latin names to go with that idea ??

im thinking its a disosoma from the indo p but not sure
weird! cool, but weird! looking at the flesh around the neon bubbly part, it does look like a discoma or rhodactis of some sort. But the center looks like the bubbles of a ric about to pop....:eek: I'm interested to see if you find out what it is!
I believe you have a variety of a Discosoma Sanctithomae. Warty Mushroom coral or Bubble Mushroom coral. Try poking that name into a google search and see what you come up with.

Caribbean mushroom coral species.
