well, I had to give away the 20L with the O. scycallarus (sp) in it. long story short, big leak, had to move several tanks, and no room in the inn. The big surprise was when Kyle (the blue g. smithii) pops out of a piece of LR that was moved to another tank. Bigger surprise is that Kyle is now a bright, emerald green, but the purple and blue are still hinted at. "He's" taking to hammering away at the rock, I guess he's building better digs. The previously mentioed hitchhiker from the Fiji rock took a 1" long, 1/2" wide hole in a dead porites colony and dug out a 3" deep, 4" wide, 1" high trench, in about a week of very determined effort.
I'm going to be moving the tank contents to a larger one, I'm thinking about either isolating the LR by itself in the tank, or fishing it out. I don't want him eating the mated coral banded shrimp I want to move into there. So far, he's been a pretty good neighbor, the orchid dottyback that survived the tank debacle (I had to break down the 29g too, lost an one orchid dottyback and a kole tang) keeps poking his head into his lair. I keep expecting him to get nailed and become mantis food, but so far...