ID: Pseudocorynactis sp.?


New member
I was admiring the predator tank at a LFS and spotted this little guy (15-20 mm) hiding in a shady area on a piece of rubble. Five dollars and 30 minutes later, I got it home to discover there are actually about a dozen of these little guys (some as small as 1-2 mm) on the rock! I was hoping this was a pseudocorynactis because I love corallimorphs that feed. These fed readily, almost as soon as they were acclimated. You can actually see the pink tinge from the cyclop-eeze among the mesenterial filaments.


Is anyone familiar with these? How big will they get?
I have several of these in my tank. They're orange ball anemones (isn't actually an anemone, but a corallimorph). They appear to be non-photosynthetic carnivores, as you've found out it already. I believe Melev has them listed on his ID page as reef safe, but the balls on the end of their tentacles are mighty sticky and probably sting it's prey. I would be careful where these are placed in proximity to corals, but most likely they will retreat to a shaded area where there are no corals.

Here's one in my tank that caught a Collonista snail. It's roughtly the size of a nickle.