ID these mushrooms please(fish eaters????)


Active member

Can anybody id these mushrooms for me? These were hitchhickers and came with my live rock.

I'm kind of scared of having fish eating mushrooms because i'm about to add 2 very small B&W Ocellaris to the tank.

The biggest is a good 6 inches wide

Can you help me with this? Should i get rid of them?

I don't know the name, but I have them in my nano. They do not eat fish. They can get very large, but that's about it. I have four small gobies in with them and have never had a problem.
some can. Easy test: lay a small piece of raw shrimp or other non-cold delicacy on the disc of same, and if it closes on it and balloons around it, that's a problem. If it just lies there and falls off, problem not likely.
if you read somemore you will find out the clowns will even host in hairy musvhrooms and that is what they look like. The only ones that can be a problem is cup and some giant ones- not hairt
The giant ones, that get 8''+ and eat fish, are called Elephant Ear mushrooms. The ones you have are hairy mushrooms and will not eat fish. I stole one (haha) from my neighbor and it is in my 20 gallon nano reef.
another picture

another picture

Here's another picture. I can't seem to find the exact same mushrooms anywhere.

Some look a lot like it be never the same.

yep just green hairy mushrooms I have several that look identical to yours. they are no threat at all