ID worm please


New member
Hi, can someone id this worm please. I've recently noticed a few of them on my live rock. I'm not sure where they could have came from since I have not added anything to my tank in a long time. Thanks


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Dendropoma maxima, a particularly large vermetid snail that irritates corals. The tube can get up to 5 mm in diameter on the inside and as long as the snail needs it to be to launch it's slime net into the flow. I found some in my tanks that were 10 cm (4 inches) in length.

Superglue may or may not work. I suggest to use pliers and crush it good and proper ASAP before it can create offspring. Once they start reproducing they pop up everywhere and it will become almost impossible to completely eliminate them from the system without going nuclear.
When crushing them make sure to crush every bit of the tube, especially also the thinner spiral part.

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I had a raft of those. I hosted a purple tang for a few weeks (he was rehabbing) and he ate every one of them. I rather began to miss them.