Idea of placement of Tunze streamers. 60x25x25, 170 gallons..


New member

Can anybody please help me to maximize the use of my Tunze pumps.

I have a 7096 controller connected to 3x6095 + 1 old 6045 (not controlled by 7096).

Return pump is a Red Dragon 6500 that creates good flow in outflow.

I have currently put the 6045 on right side near the back and flow against the overflow box to create movement in the right back corner. When I only used 3x6095 the watermovement was very bad in that corner...

Thanks in advance!

Attached picture of tank..
I would try all three on the back wall with the first one in the left corner, and then every 24" from there and angled slightly degrees toward the front a bit less than 45 degrees so they are all parallel and use sequential mode, I would mount them about 8" from the top. I think that low right corner has a lot of dense rock and likely I would put the 6045 low in this corner to keep that clean, I had a mirror image of that layout years ago and flow in what was my left corner when facing the tank was a nightmare, I eventually lightened the structure making it more open. Before I did that I had to manually siphon detritus in that corner weekly no matter what I tried. Do make sure all 6095's are at 24V so you are getting the full flow.
thanks for the tip! I will try out mounting them on the back, will be kind of pain in the *** since it is close to the wall but with some thoughtful engineering it will work :)

Yes, it pretty dense with stone and euphyllia on the right side, and as you experienced thats where the detrius finds it way to settle. It got a bit better when I put in the 6045 in that corner... I will take under consideration how to free up some space...

I am currently running with 24V but I am running quite low on the min/max settings, 30% min and 60% high.. Some of the corals were not happy when I jacked up the speed earlier. Will take some time to test new setting with the streamers mounted on the back as suggested. But I definetly want to push the circulation some more...
Q: If I put the first on on the left side, next one 24" to the right, the next 24" will end up on the overflowbox. It wont look good to put it on the overflowbox.. Should I put the 6095 more to the right so that it will end up between the right end of the aquarium and the overflowbox... Or should I put all three 6095's on the left side of the overflowbox and hope the 6045 can handle the right corner by it self...??