if money wasnt an issue, what is the one fish you would get?

If I was single and living alone, then I would (could) get a bigger tank! I mean a BIG tank, and fill it up with all these fish... But I'm not, so...

I actually don't find these expensive species worth it. Some are, obviously, but most of them are not. Just because something is rare and top $$$ doesn't make it any cooler in my eyes...
Money is not an issue, but space and time is.

I would love to keep some Moorish Idols, like 5, but first I'd have to build a 1000gal tank for them! Then 10-15 Yellow tangs, a pair of French angels, Achilles and Atlantic Blue tangs and some Moray eel. And that would be just one tank ;)
The Red Sea tank would be a whole different tank...
Chaetodontoplus ballinae lol

I often think about them and Kingi too....but imo, that red of the peppermint is just extraordinary and a color impossible to find in another fish...with the white lines and the "candy cane" look...so much going on with this little fish...

but ballinae is a special little girl...
...a mold....
The photos created a wave of excitement among fish enthusiast. If I recall correctly just prior to this an adult C. ballinae was reportedly shipped to Japan, but passed away en-route. What most non-Japanese aquarists don’t know is Mr. Endoh often has a special article in his magazine called Miracle Aquarium where extremely rare fish are displayed via realistic plastic molds… and then placed in the an aquarium to photograph! This plastic “model” of a fish fooled quite a few people.
Actually, I don't... They just love the camera ;)
I feed from that end of the tank, so they think it's dinnertime. The other end of the tank is completely barren ;)