Best staring point is from tats29, if you haven't already, join the club. Get to know your fellow members and you will find them to be very generous with there knowledge and maybe even a coral or two.
Another alternative, is to buy a cool coral and once it is ready to frag, offer to "swap" a frag of the coral (there is a permanent thread for trades/selling). Keep in mind, ones that are great for beginners xenia, GSP, kenya tree, etc. won't be of much interest to those that have been reefers for a while. However, they are good ones to offer for free to other beginners as they grow like weeds and build confidence in those just starting. I think the last time I tried to give some away there were no takers. Unfortunately, that was a while back and I have since given them all away. You will also find that in swaping frags you get to know
Lastly, another alternative is to watch for local fraggers as they offer great deals.