Welcome to Reef Centralgetting a new tank soon after 15 years, excited!
Welcome to Reef Centralgetting a new tank soon after 15 years, excited!
If I might, and you’re wanting to stay small, an idea small/medium reef is a 40 Breeder.Thx all, I’m thinking of keeping it small due to space constraints as well as the possibility of a future move, so likely 30gal or less.
40b has great dimensions for sure, might look at the Red Sea nano.If I might, and you’re wanting to stay small, an idea small/medium reef is a 40 Breeder.
Welcome back, you might want to start a new thread in the Reef Discussion forum so your questions don't get lost in this, "Introduce Yourself" threadHello All. I've been out of the Reef game for the last 10 yrs. I decided to jump back in because my life is just not hectic enough lol. It seems that everything I thought i knew about reef keeping has changed. A few questions. I am setting up a Cad Lights AIO 8 gallon. I have about a 1.5 inch sand bed using live sand. I purchased 6lbs of live rock from my LSF that was in water circulating through their system. Am I going to go through the same cycle that I did in the past? Second, looking to update the old stock light. Keeping with a budget, I am looking at a NICREW 50 Watt light. The tank is 12*12*13, is this too much , not enough or just garbage. Appreciate the help.
Welcome back Joe. As @griss suggested, starting a new thread is best.I've been out of the Reef game for the last 10 yrs. I decided to jump back in because my life is just not hectic enough
Welcome to Reef CentralHello! I just joined this forum. Recently I've got a new job that is related to work on reefs. Will be glad to have some help for my questions.
Welcome!Hello! I just joined this forum. Recently I've got a new job that is related to work on reefs. Will be glad to have some help for my questions.
I had a 50-gallon many years past. A lot has changed since then; live coral for one, prices for another. Also, a large selection of fish. Back then there were really only 3 Clownfish to choose from. I have a 29-gallon saltwater tank with just a few live corals in it. I guess I have a diatom film all over my coral. Is that bad? Also, one of my coral has turned from green to yellow. I bought 5 coral and I'd say 4 lived. One died but I see numerous "sprouts" all around it. I'm cautious not to add fish until the coral looks more accumulated. Question do I run just blue light only to help the corals grow?
Welcome to Reef Central Mike.I had a 50-gallon many years past.
I agreeMike, I would start a new thread in, “Reef Disussion” forum with your questions. You’ll get more responses than you will in this introduction thread![]()
Welcome back!I was here in something like 2008-2010 probably. Memory is shot. I probably had a 30 cube then. I have kept fish since 1984 and got my first saltwater tank in 2007.