I'm back.

hllywd - I got rid of the Powder Blue and the Purple Tang. They didn't really go with the fish that I wanted to keep in this tank. They are now both at St. Jude Children's Hospital. Our club maintains their tanks.

Kent E - I am sure that just dave will jump in here and correct me, but I think it is montastrea.

messy - thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7816129#post7816129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rendos

Kent E - I am sure that just dave will jump in here and correct me, but I think it is montastrea.

Maybe he will but I think it's an Astreopora sp.
Rendos -- Looks awesome! I love the "clam Island"
- Does the Multibar nip? I am about to come on board with a 180 and love that fish but I also love clams;) Haven't found one I'm willing to try yet.
Your picture on Page 1 has my wife freaking out. My tank is drilled on the bottom also 1/2 glass. The 4 holes outside the overflows are in the corners though for the closed loop. Please tell her it won't crack.:p as this is not the pressure points of the DSB and rock will be concentrated in the middle.
ruby1sam - My Multibars have not nipped...yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

You have a much better chance of your 180 not cracking. I won't say that it can't happen, but my problem was the location of the holes and the fact that the tank had a much wider span (30" from front to back) than yours (24" from front to back).

sf05 - Thanks. I am sure the substrate will get funky...it is still a very new setup.
what are the dimentions on the tank right above this message and how many gallons and what is the brand how do u keep the sand bed soooooo clean what kinda snail and stuff do you use?
The tank is 72" X 30" X 24". It is an Ocean View tank. The sand bed is so clean because it is a new setup which I transferred the contents of two smaller tanks into. I am sure it will get uglier as time goes on. I do have 2 fighting conchs, a tiger tail cucumber, and plan to add nassarius snails to keep it stirred up and clean.
Pikey...where ya been man? I had no idea bout the tank breaking...i loved that tank when you set it up. Do you know why it broke?

Anyway, that pic of your 90 looked great! Congrats on the new tank and welcome back. The new tank looks great man!

I tried looking you up a few months back but I couldn't find a Pikey. Then today, I thought, I am going to find Pikey. I went to my old 180 thread and found where you posted and I replied with "Pikey" and then I realized you changed your name.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7856213#post7856213 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MacnReef
I went to my old 180 thread and found where you posted and I replied with "Pikey" and then I realized you changed your name.


He had to change his name,too many WTMRAC paternity suits.:p
Updated Pics!




