well i can start with saying, its a 180g glass jebo tank with rounded corners, 60g refugium, 3 250 watt halides with radium bulbs, 4 48" vhos on an ice cap 660 ballast, asm g2x skimmer w gate valve and mesh mods, posidion ps4 pump for the closed loop, not sure on the return pump yet figure that out tommarow, CL280 chiller (small i know but it works), 18watt uv sterillizer, 2 tunze 6060s, korlin 1502 ca recator w 20lb bottle, 3" deepsand bed, and about 180lbs of rock at the moment
live stock
1 valmingi tang 4 1/2-5"
1 orange sholder tang 4"
1 scopas tang 4"
1 sail fin tang 5"
1 blue hippo tang 5"
1 purple tang 5"
2 yellow tangs 3-3 1/2"
1 6line wrasse
1 zebra dart fish
and the normal cleaner crew on steroids
mixed lps and sps with some softies in there as well
ill go ahead and get the camera al charged up tonight so i an take some pics tommarow