I'm having big fun now...390 display +

Have you decided on the reactors yet? Are there any pictures of the DIY rock available.
The time line goal on my system is way off. I was hoping for the end of the summer(last year). Now I'm just shooting for before I die. ;)
lol cave. I guess I should wish you luck with that.

mflamb I don't go to the meetings. I went to a couple but that was about it. one was to pick up money and the other was because I just built something for the host of the meeting. I know alot of the people in the tampa forum which is why I post alot there. always nice to talk to people you can put a face too.
if you need a reactor I will have a shuran jetstream 1 for sale very soon. about 6-7 months old. as soon as my tank sells it will be available. I don't care if you buy mine or not but honestly the shurans are the only ones worth having. my ph actually went up a full tenth within a week of adding it.
mine is a jetstream 1 .
I am a former owner of a geo 618. while it is a reactor and it works well it is not a jetstream. the difference is night and day. the co2 capture and recirculation is awesome on the shuran. I always had ph trouble when using the geo because co2 was dumped into the tank. this promotes a more acidic or less alkaline water. when I hooked up the shuran I was figuring to have a lower ph at least a little and it actually went up. I have an aquacontroller and didn't clean or even move the probe. when I used the geo I had to use a controller for the co2 but with the shuran I have only set the bubble count and it has stayed pretty much hands free for the entire time I have had it. I am just now needing to change the media. which I have alot of still. trying to sell before I have to spend days working on it. lazy I know.
I have no issues with my GEO. And I know of many other's that sware by them as well. I'm sure your Shuran is a nice product though.
yeah like I said the geo was the jam when i had it. it wasn't until I switched that I noticed the difference. geo makes a fine product. workmanship was very nice also. the thing is the old technology. maybe he has decided to copy shuran now. that would make his things just as good maybe even better.
Great build.

I am new to this so I have nothing to add about the tank but I have a pool ball protection idea.

Have you considered a curtain on a track like they have around hospital beds? Of course the curtain would not be the same as in the hospital. When in the stored position against the wall it would help to block the space between the wall and stand from sight. I would be surprised if a pool ball would deflect a curtain more than 1 foot. You could always see for yourself by throwing a pool ball at a blanket on a clothes-line. An errant break would not be travelling as fast as a pitch.

Doing it this way you don't have to store a bulky sheild anywhere and the curtain can match the rest of the room/drapes.

I have long term dreams for an elaborate tank near a pool table and that will be my solution.
Hey mflamb, I think I remember you saying something about curing your rock in your pool - is that true? How is it doing? I my be remembering wrong but aren't you concerned about the chlorine leaching? The reason I'm asking is because I'm going to be making some rocks and things out of clay, fire it and then cure it for a bit. I'm going to do some testing to see if after firing if it changes the parameters and if so, I have a pool and it would be great to use it to cure my rock if it's not a problem.
Bubble-tip...I'm breaking away from the tank, and my cabinet guy has a system of shutters designed to match the stand/hood lumber for wild ball control.
ReefArtist...I thought about that recently, so I went to publix and got 5 gallons of their water. I tested chlorine and put 4 gallons of water in a bucket with some rock. I'll let it sit for a week with a power head and retest chlorine. GARF says to cure it in tap water. My pool chlorine is lower than my tap water.
Rican...Thats 600-700 pounds of sand, not 6-7 inches.
mflamb, do you have access to boat? I would take your rock out on the bay or some place no one dives, mark the location with GPS and let the ocean cure it for you. Just a thought.
The purpose of freshwater curing is to allow the concrete to cure so it won't have an effect on pH. My rock is all freshwater cured, and pH no longer changes. I don't want my rock in the ocean or anywhere else that unwanted things might attach to it, so I'm going to do the chlorine test. If it's ok...all good. If not, I'll dechlorinate.
hey mflamb garf is in another part of the country though I can't remember exactly where. there water may be different and contain only chlorine which would evaporate on it's own with air and water movement in only a day or 2. the very reason we have to add so much chlorine to a pool. what we have in this area is chlorimines. a bound between chlorine and ammonia. ammonia does not evaporate and neither does chlorine when bound to ammonia. if you plan to use tap water I would treat it with a dechlorinator that also breaks the bond between the 2.

i have not read up on the garf stuff recently but is there a reason they say tap water and not ro water or distilled?
GARF says tap water because you are supposed to change the water you are curing in every day. The rock has already spent months in the pool and is now dry. I'm soaking it in distilled water so I can test it and see what comes off/out of the rock. If it measures ok, then I will add a dechlorinator and retest. Thanks for the info. I was unaware that was what chlorimines were made of.
there may be some other things in there but those are the two main components. you may want to buffer it a little with say some washing and baking soda. if the ph isn't right then it's possible for certain elements to settle on the rocks surface and cause trouble down the road.
Hey Mike! Good finally meeting you this past Saturday at Barbara's. Good luck and let me know when you get that thing going. If I can help you out with anything let me know.

Take care,
Cool dude, it was a pleasure to meet you and Cindy. Were those some awesome tanks...WOW!!! Ive never seen a toadstool with a 10 inch diameter stalk and a spread of 30 inches. What does she put in those tanks when were not looking.
Nothing new to take pics of yet. I'm plumbing a couple hours a day, twice a week. Lots of plumbing with my water prep station in the garage, and a mechanical water change system.