im new to corals in general what light should i use for my saltwater aquarium


New member
my aquarium is 39.4x15.78 inches and 17.7 inches height
and i want to buy a zoanthid i currently have 4 leds lights 6500k (im currently using only 2) that i used for my planted tank (i dont have it anymore)
i was thinking on buying 2 PAR38 Actinic LED Light - RapidLED would that be enough for zoanthids?
my aquarium

my aquarium


this is my aquarium
Thank you :)

Thank you :)

to be honest for only 20 dollars more (that would be taken up by the cost of the lamp necks) you may want to look into something like this

To add to the post above me I like Mr. saltwatertank and he has great advice (and t-shirts) but I have to say to watch out, he is a bit of a shill for ETM.

i was looking after this light but yours seems better i think i will buy your option the next month®-Arctic-T247-Spectrum-Dimmable-Aquarium/dp/B00YOYD3K2