My first saltwater aquarium

Sounds like a good excuse to visit a store and pick up a new sea creature
They’re cheap, too. Also, they don’t like to be alone…get a few and you’ll see them all hanging upside down under a rock together. They do most of their work at night
Please meet Jacques, our peppermint shrimp!


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Baba is finally in the display tank. Hopefully he will stay healthy and happy.


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A couple of days ago I noticed a lot of dust on top of the water in my tank. After doing some research I decided to try a $20 Aquatop 65 GPH Internal Surface Skimmer. I got it last night and put it in the tank.It cleared up the water surface in 15 minutes. It's not pretty, but does work.
If it helps any, that surface scum can also be prevented by adding more surface agitation
When I pointed my gyre more twords the surface, I noticed that some of that gunk would be picked up by the current. Right now I only have one icecap 4k gyre in the tank running at 50%. I have another one still in the box, will add it once I have more coral.
So yesterday I found a person selling some zoa's on the local Facebook thread. I went to buy one zoa frag but came home with three 😁. Great experience. I don't really care about the names, but I got a bullseye, fruit loops, and Utter Chaos. The bullseye hasn't opened all the way yet, but the other ones opened as soon as the light came on. Really excited!!!


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So last night I was witnessing what I thought was the slow painful death of my peppermint shrimp Jacques. I dismissed the possibility of him molting because he molted a couple of weeks ago. But this morning all I could find was his complete shell. I haven't seen Jacques yet, but hopefully he will show his cute face at feeding time.
Got the Tunze Osmolator 3 on Friday. Going to install today. Doesn't look like I will need to do any modifications even though my tank is rimmed. If anyone here is using one please let me know what you think of it.
Congrats on all your progress so far! No experience with the Tunze, beyond hearing that they take a bit more time than some other models to "dial in."
So the second Royal Gramma I tried to add to my display tank only made it two weeks in the observation tank. Have no idea what happened, it looked fine and acted fine one day and wouldn't come out of the rock after water change on the next day and died the day after that. The only thing I can think of it got stressed while I was vacuuming the bottom of the tank during the water change. But I was doing that every other day during the two weeks.
I am now cycling the observation tank so that when I do get another fish, I won't need to do so many water changes. I think I will stay away from Royal Grammas for a while.
For the past couple of days I noticed some brown algae growing next to one zoa frag and cyanobacteria growing next to another zoa frag. Both were covering the rocks the frags are on. None of the cuc were coming near the algae, so I got impatient and pried my big turbo snail "Speedy" from the glass and placed him on top of the brown algae. Within a couple of hours the rock was clean. I placed a cerith snail in the middle of the cyano field and this morning most of the cyano was gone. And a couple of hermits and Speedy were finishing up the cleanup. I am sure these guys would have found all that food eventually, but I was too worried the algae or cyano would take over the tank. Honestly, I will probably intervene in the same way the next time I see "too much" algae growth :)