My first saltwater aquarium

For small amounts of cyano, I just vacuum it out when I do a water change. If it's not time for a water change, I use a turkey baster to remove it.
I took a nice 45 minute drive this morning to pick up a frag of Pulsing Xenia from a nice gentleman who offered it for free. After getting it home, temp acclimation, insecticide dip, and mounting it on its own rock I placed it in the DT. All the polyps looked dead, but after half an hour one polyp was pulsing. Within 2 hours all the polyps (7-8) were pulsing. I now have more coral than fish :). 5 coral and 4 fish
It's been a year since I added the first fish to my 75g tank. Here are a couple of pics, first one from a year ago and the second one I took today.


  • My Aquarium.jpg
    My Aquarium.jpg
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  • IMG20250106133837.jpg
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Current inhabitants
2 Clowns
2 Pajama Cardinals
1 Chalk Bass
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Springer Damsel
2 Bangi Cardinals

2 mushrooms, one blue and one red
8 zoas
3 candy canes
2 torches
3 hammers
1 pulsing Xenia

1 tuxedo urchin
2 Mexican Turbo Snails
4 Astrea snails
2 Nassarius snails
3 bumblebee snails
2 conches
1 nerite snail
a bunch of cerith snails
5 hermit crabs
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