currently have a reefer 425 xl .. its a love hate thing.
the tank is dead silent when setup right.
sump is a little small meaning external equipment in some cases is easier .. but its still very workable .. i think the quality isnt to bad.
the cabinet is easily marked and looks taddy after a day or two.
filter sock compartments are odd sized so you have to buy red sea stuff .. 3.5 inch over 4 inch .. i wanted a klir filter but im stuck with media cups & socks for now till i modify it.
glass isnt as clear as some tanks ive seen in all honesty.
overall its quite good though,
BUT !!!! IF i had to do it again the best quality tank ive seen in person are the cade pro reefs closely followed by waterbox .. the cade pro reefs are immaculate.
1, cade
2, waterbox
3, red sea
ive seen them all in person many times both new at shop and setup/running .. and the cade has so much workability compared to waterbox/red sea.
they really are in a league of there own when you actually see one in person.
my next will be the Cade PR1800 6 footer when my blue tang outgrows the 425 xl.
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