I'm taking care of Elections and waiting for Fizz and Mal reply


Dr. Zooqi
Premium Member
Is been long time and we have been talking about elections and nothing is done. I decided to take care of this so everybody will be getting either male, PM, or email from me regarding this. I would like to take care of this as soon as I get the list from Fizz or Mal. It will be done soon so guys get ready. :D
Just remember Mo.... We'll need to do the actual voting at the event. I had hoped for an internet solution, but it's really not fair. If 2 people run for president..the one who doesn't win will have lost their chance to be a BOD on another spot. We have specific by-laws (that we took from other clubs) that states the position of president will be filled before the VP position is voted on....and so forth down the chain of command with the extra BOD members (that aren't officers) being last.

The next swap we'll have to do quick voting. We can take nominations at any time, so if you're interested, speak your mind. We'll have to give one last official nomination point at the swap. I found this out several weeks ago..which is why I 86'd the official forum nominations and email voting.

So bottom line...if you're interested in running...metion it here and we can do the official nominating and seconding quickly at the next event.

All officers change over on July 1st and run for a year.

hey all this sounds like a good time for people to volenteer to be to the bod i know there are new faces in the crowd. it doesn't take much knowledge of anything just time and effort.
thanks to all those getting involved.