Thanks guys! you are all so much more expierenced than me that I get lost almost lol. I have been into the hobby 7 months. I really thank you for all your advice. Its hard for me to pick anyone to believe over another because I havnt seen your reef's. I can mabe go by the amount of posts but even that wouldnt be correct lol. I think the truth is, you are all right as to what you have used and believe in. Which is more than I have right now. So really, thank you all. I want to buy all the stuff right now while i have the money, because if it arises that i need it in the future i probably will have my money tied up in something else like my bills lol.
Ok if you wanna skip the ugly brainstorming rant chatter just go to the bottom paragraph now to catch the sum.
Anyway, As far as the skimmer's go, I'm trying to find something that will fit into my sump, there is a center brace in the sump tank and it really gets in my way. I wish i had more room for an external skimmer but I wanna save money and have something just as effective that takes up less space. 8.5"x14.5" would be hard to fit in there but i could probably make it work even if i had to reconstruct it inside the tank. I might still get an external one to make sure I have enough room over the sump for my refuge though. I wanted to get the kalk reactor to help control the ph, not really for the calcium. People told me this would work well to raise my ph if my calc reactor lowers it too much and at the same time adding the calcium that the reactor isnt producing because the ac3 would cut off the co2 to the calc reactor, I just read that the AC3 would control all this, haha i hope so. I wanted to get a seperate meter for the silonoid on the co2 because I wanted my main ph probe to be in my sump to view the main tanks ph, and the other to read the ph from my calc reactor. Will there be any difference in these ph readings? If so should I use the other slot on the AC3, or should I use one that comes in the calcium reactor kit? 8 ball, y ou said that there is a difference in the meter slots in the ac3 pro? so one works better than the other? I chose the lab grade probes or whatever, i hope thats not just propaganda and it really is more accurate. From what you guys say I will get another skimmer instead of the octopus but I need to know which one to get, I will look at some of the ones you guys suggested tonight and post up a new item list and see what you all think of it

. and as far as test kits go I was thinking that mabe I should buy several of them at first, just so i can check everything as I'm learning about saltwater chemistry then once I get comfy I was thinking I'd just keep buying the ones i was worried about, calc and alk or whatever else. As far as the co2 bottle goes, I do have a nice used one that is rather tall and heavy steel, too tall and heavy for inside my stand though, I would hate to accidently be holding it with my arms extended and lose grip on it and drop the freaking thing on my acrylic sump or plumbing haha. Thats the only reason I was going for the small lightweight aluminium one. If I didnt live in an apartment I would cut a room in half with a wall for a inwall aquarium or plumb to a saltwater closet in a nearby room to make plenty of room for a lotta stuff. So for now I guess I'll check my local welding supply places, which i go to quite often for work, and see if they have lightweight aluminum bottles, or if they can just do a refill for me. I think all they have are steel bottles though. I do want this thing to be as automated as possible all around. That way if i go on vacation for a week or two, Then i can just have a friend come over, and add water to my ATO tank and just feed the fish once a day. If i was to ask any more of him than that he'd probably say no due to lack of confidence in fear of trashing my saltwater tank lol. No dosing for him, or trying to make sense of anything.
Ok sorry for the long drunk rant. haha
Bottom line, With the ac3's 1 ph probe, will i be able to tell my calc reactor when to shut off and my kalk stirrer when to turn on. or will i need the ac3pro's 2 probes for that. As far as test kits go. What do I really require so that i can tune in my calc and kalk reactor for my tank and find out how much my corals are using at the moment. (I'm really not to up to par on understanding exactly how the calcium reactors supply nutrients, as for as if they keep the buffered, or if they are more like a top off unit. I understand they break down the media and make the elements available to coral and clams and such but I dont know how they are dialed in.) I just see what the successful reefers are using and I figure that is a good place to start. Same with alk and magnesium i wnat to know how much is getting used and how fast. I will use some kind of mud base in my refuge so that I can take care of trace elements. i also herd of adding some dolmite to my calcium reactor to help keep the magnesium stable. I also want to be able to make sure what my skimmer is pulling out of the water and what my media reactor (phosban and Chemi-Pure Grande Elite) is pulling out of the water. That way I will know if I currently need to run the phosban reactor or not. No problems and I will keep it turned off. Which would be phospates nitrites and nitrates and ammonia i suppose. As far as a skimmer goes, I will check the ones you guys mentioned and go for the best size for my sump, or decide on external, and I'll get back to you on which one i choose so you can stop me once again if i still dont have my head out of my crack. haha Once again guys Thanks a lot! I couldnt do this successfully with out you guys, I'd just blow money haha. Good day