New member
I've tried to call a few times but I know you guys must be busy. I did send an email but got no info sent back. So I'll post here and then email you directly (Jeremy).
I was looking to purchase a 14K phoenix 250W DE HQI bulb and also wanted to purchase some livestock. Multi colored angel (1.5"-2" in size) and wanted to know if you had a clown wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solarensis) in stock or a lightning wrasse (Halichoeres cyanocephalus) around the same size as the angel.
How much would shipping cost since it's live goods and dry goods (bulb). I live in chicago 60623.
I was looking to purchase a 14K phoenix 250W DE HQI bulb and also wanted to purchase some livestock. Multi colored angel (1.5"-2" in size) and wanted to know if you had a clown wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solarensis) in stock or a lightning wrasse (Halichoeres cyanocephalus) around the same size as the angel.
How much would shipping cost since it's live goods and dry goods (bulb). I live in chicago 60623.