Internal vs. External Pumps for 180 gallon reef


Active member
I'm getting ready to plumb my 180 gallon and trying to get some advice on the plumbing and pumps.

Here are the details on how the tank is drilled:

1. Two 1" returns - one on the left and one on the right.
2. A single 1.5" overflow - in the center of the tank.

I'm more familiar with internal pumps, so my natural inclination was to use internal pumps.

Here is what I had in mind:
1. Eheim 1262 x 2 (one for each return)


2. Match GPH (roughly 1800gph) using a Reeflo, Iwaki, or Panworld external pump.

I want to do it right and do it once. Thanks for your input in advance.

Happy Reefing!
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. Internal or external I'm going to invest in a quality pump. Although I do agree that Eheim builds quality equipment and I would not hesitate to purchase Eheim pumps again.

I'm weighting out the benefits of an external pump and if it's worth the extra complexity and why? I'm sure others have made this same decision.

Why have you decided to go external?
I use two externals, one for return and the other for the closed loop - one internal on my skimmer. Although the externals might add heat to the water column, it's a fraction of what the higher GPH submersible pumps add.
Keep in mind the amount of heat that your lighting is adding to the tank, the location/space and the audible noise too. Tinman

Thanks for your input. So if I understand correctly one of the reasons you went with externals is to prevent heat issues in your tank, since they don't transfer as much heat into the water column.

What pumps did you end up going with?
I am going external to prevent any water heating. I am using eheim 1262 as my main return. And I am also running 2 closed loop systems also with eheims when I can get them.
I use an external panworld 50PX for the return on my 180.
I think less heat is added with an external and I just like it better. I have an eheim 1260 and a gen-x 30 running externally also.

Thanks for taking the time to post. How have the Eheim's worked out? Obviously you are looking to move from internal to external, although I guess the Eheim can also be used externally.

Have you decided on what external pump(s) you will be using? Is heat the main reason for the switch?

I appreciate you chiming in. Any specific reasons as to why you like external setup better?

How are you using the Eheim's? Closed loop perhaps?
I don't like stuff in my sump and I think, if plumbed properly, maintenance is easier.
I use the ehiem as the return for my 40g shallow reef.
I use the gen-x 30 for the 40b and skimmer.
I ran a gen-x 40 as a closed loop on my old 120g.

I use 2 mp40s and an mp20 for circ on the 180.
I don't have eheims yet. I have 2 9.5 mag drives in sump. I aNted to go to external less heat exchange. Less stuff in the sump. I amsetting up a new tank and wanted to step up to external 2 eheims for 2 closed loop and one(I have one) for the main return pump. I would like one more for my prop tank. Eheims are quiet and don't seem to produce much heat, I have a small eheim on my ca reactor.
Alright guys I'm going to bed for now, please leave any other input and I will reply first thing tomorrow morning.

I appreciate everyone taking the time to post.
So if I understand correctly one of the reasons you went with externals is to prevent heat issues in your tank, since they don't transfer as much heat into the water column.

Yes, I have 3x 400w MH that enough heat already:hmm2:

What pumps did you end up going with?

I have a posideon PS3 on my 125g and it's never been turned off (except power failures) for six years - it's dead silent

The 210's CL is a Reeflo Dart and the return is a Snapper.
I setup my 120 soft reef with a mag 9.5 return because of space, ease of intsall and I didn't want to loose the heat. I use a 6x54w t5 fixture and only have heat concerns during the few months of summer. A room AC keeps the tank cool and relatively dry. I am considering a 210/220 upgrade and may again go with internal pumps. The perfecto/AGA tanks have the same overflow/returns on the 120 and 210/220. So I'm not sure how much more pump I'm going to be able to use.

Thanks for the input, I can understand the heat concerns with that much power in your lighting. Although I must admit, even with 250w MH on my tank heat is still an issue.

So it sounds like two votes for Reeflo and one for Posideon.

On the Reeflo pumps, I notice that they have higher GPH compared to Panworld or other competitors with much lower power comsumption. Only drawback appears to be the max-head. Has this been issue at all for you?

Thanks again for your feedback.

Thanks for your feedback, I'm infinitely more comfortable with internal pumps, but I'm not agaisnt trying something new (external pumps) if there are significant benefits.

What I'm calculating right now is the power draw for two Eheim 1262's will be roughly 80watts x 2 for a total of 160w.

A reeflo can match and beat the flow of two Eheims 1262's for roughly 105 watts at about the same cost of the equipment.

I will get more exact numbers in the next couple of hours to do a more complete comparison.

Can anybody chime in on the Panworld, haven't heard much on that camp.

Thanks everyone.