Into The Club (LRT- Large Reef Tanks)

ok, leak test done........... RO water in and finally salt in.... I am using Prodac Reef Salt ATM. Any inputs on the salt, anyone else using it???

Aquascaped the rocks, based on Sanjay Joshi's reef pillars.

Lots of open spaces. I will not cram it up with rocks.

Placed whatever corals I have......

Will slowly stock it up.

What do you guys say......

Some pics.................. only one 14K , 150 watt up.

Will also add another 250 watt 14K.

Then will add anemones.

Just am proud to say, that the total project starting from tank making, skimmer making, right racks, gravel washing, rock drilling, aquascaping....................has been done by me, singlehandedly.



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Dave, Gerardo, Jarrett,

Thanks for looking

Dave : Great idea....... maybe I should name the pillars !! How about Sanjay & Chingchai.............two proponents of the pillar reefs

Gerard : All these ideas came from reading up on RC. I know I cannot compete with these tanks, I do not want to, but I have learnt how to maintain a healthy reef tank and I think that is important. Do show us your reef when you start off .....All the best in advance

Jarrett : Thanks so much

I will put in some GAC tonight......passively on the opverflow of the sump and will also start with GFO in a reactor

Striving to keep nitrate low for ever............... will post pics of sump after I make the final adjustments

As for nitrate, what do you guys suggest ---- ATS, Vodka, Liverock (excess) and DSB. My take : Liverock & Vodka

Wish me luck.......

Best of luck your off to a good start. Maybe put more live rock in sump. I'm old school so I would try and get some DSB in the system maybe remote not in the DT.
Hi Canyousee,

Thanks for the input. I have around 40 Kg live rock in the sump. I would also prefer vodka dosing in the longer run. I will try and run some GFO also.

Will post some pictures of the sump tomorrow. I want a softy tank with lots of colours, low clutter, moderate flow tank.

wish me luck

Saved a Desjardini yesterday. A very big tang - about 6". He was with my LFS in a cramped tank of about 40 gallons. I got him without any payment, he was much relieved to get into a larger tank. However I am still of the opinion that the tank is still small for him.
Bad news is even after so many days with my LFS, today morning his body was filled with fungal infections on his body.
I am in a fix as to how can I help him. I cannot catch him from the tank. Too much swimming area. I cannot put medicine in the tank also.
Any food can help???

Attaching a pic, so that you guys get his size and his ailment.

Help this big fish.



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Aquascape looks nice.

I'd leave the tang there for the time-being. Its a bit difficult to make out the problem. Is he scratching himself off the rocks?

It could also be stress. Sometimes overlooked, ensure that nitrites are also low.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice. I also think it is stress. He was nearly dying when I brought him back. If he gets back, he will be a pride specimen. Nitrites are "0" on the Prodac test kit. But how long should I wait?

More so, this is a wild caught specimen, this guy does not eat anything..........for the last 48 hours. Offered him flakes and blood worm.

Lets see

It is really important that you get him to eat ASAP!

It won't be very easy. Try greens. If you can get nori from an asian supermarket or LFS, great! If not, try blanched lettuce, coriander leaves etc.

The basic principal is this.... do not purchase large sized specimens unless they are feeding. The logic behind this IMO is that larger fish are obviously older and are more fixed in their feeding habits (like us :-) ). You'll usually do better with juveniles. Since this was a rescue, you didn't really have a choice there anyway.

If you can basically get it to eat, it'll get more comfortable, reducing stress and should be fine thereafter. I don't see a hiding space for this fish in your scape (could be wrong here), but if there is no cave or such, drop in a piece of pipe for it to hide. This may not be required, as it seems fairly bold.

Good luck!
Finally the tang survived. Spent countless hours after him. He is weaned into reef food, flakes and bloodworms. However I will never buy/bring another tang for my 170 gallons. Tangs grow quite a lot and it is unfair to restrict long sweeping movements of a tang in a small tank. I am joining the tang police.

Meanwhile, the final rock work has been done. Hope you guys like it. I am just putting on one light for the time being, so that the diatom bloom is restricted to a part of the tank which is easily accesible.

I am also thinking of a 6500 K and a actinic combination. There is way too much spectrum changes in the 10K & 14 K ranges.

Started to run GFO and GAC from yesterday.

Dosing Zeo Food 7 also.

Lets see where I am going.

An FTS for all.

It is not fancy now. Will build it up slowly.

stay with me.



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Some time has passed and the tank moves towards completion.
Some pics for all of you. Livestock looks healthy. Whatmore can a reefer ask for. Chromises are spawning regularly !!!



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