IPSF Critters Arrive: Part 4


New member
The "Live Sand Activator" bag had been floating in the tank all this time and to my surprise I found a bunch of Zebra Hermits scrambling around on the surface of the gravel! It was time to take the plunge and I tried (unsuccessfully) to pour the LSA onto the more hidden parts of the sand...


Noooooo! My beautiful sand! Hopefully I can mix it in a bit later on.

I sat down to admire my new critters, feeling pretty pleased with order. My gaze was drawn to a tiny piece of algae floating by ...with what looked like a tiny aiptasia anemone!!! ARGH!! :angryfire:

By the time I managed to grab the net and a ladder (its a tall tank!) it had drifted away. Thank goodness for Vortechs! I cranked them up to dislodge it from wherever it was hiding. After about 5mins got lucky and managed to net it. Now I can't say 100% if it is an aiptasia, but it looks highly suspicious.

Extreme closeup (it's reeeeally tiny! I only really saw it thanks to the magnifying effect of the bowed glass!)


Whatever it is, I didn't trust it, so I'm afraid it went down the sink. I hope it wasn't an aiptasia, and if it was that there aren't any more. I think it came from the LSA bag which had some bits of loose algae in it. Bit of a downer to the end of an otherwise satisfying order. :( The whole point of paying a premium for these critters is to avoid pests like this. Only time will tell I guess...

In other news... I think I might have been paying too much attention to my tank. My husband came home with this today... :lol:
