I've run a couple different methods [DSB, BB, shallow bed] and have found positives to all.
Things that can be problematic about all three, too.
All three can be run right, I could give you jaw-dropping examples of all of them.
All three can be run poorly, or not succeed. Different methods seem to work well for different folks. Learn all you can about the one you choose to run, both the positives and the negatives/issues.
I'm sure you'll find enough of them in all the debate threads, just backtrack a year or more and there's more than most would ever want to read :lmao:
IMO it's far more about the husbandry, good water quality/chemistry, and patience/planning more than substrate or dosing method. Behind most jaw-dropping tanks, you find some devoted keepers with great observation and maitenance habits ... though varied substrate.