Is GHL still there?


Active member
I see no posts from any GHL staff for a long time? There are unanswered questions both here and on the GHL forum. I have also sent two emails with no reply?
its extremely frustrating for sure. I switched over from apex because of hardware issues but their support is amazing. Here....the hardware is great but the support leaves little to be desired.
Thanks everyone who emailed me, I am sorry I can not help much since support got centralised.

As per my replies your best bet to reach GHL HQ is or try

Office: (203) 871-1194

You have been great about responding to my emails Michael but I hate bothering you since everything has changed and only do so as a last resort. I have sent emails to the home office that have gone completely unanswered and have made posts on the GHL forum where some have taken a few days for a response and others no responses. If it wasn't for you the support would be non existent. I've sunk close to $3k into GHL equipment and the after sale experience has been disappointing to say the least. Sorry for venting but its just very frustrating because I could have just replaced the head unit on my Apex for $200 instead of the huge investment I have made.
Sorry Steve, I wish I could help more.

Carry on emailing me and I will do my best to pass on the support, send me an email today and I will forward it for you.

Here to help.
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I agree, Michael you have been a huge asset to GHL. You have helped me more than once and I have seen you correct even the GHL gurus on their own product! So thank you!

Just looked at the GHL forum and if the search function is accurate, then the last post by Matthias was on the 26 Aug!?
I think its obvious or should hope that its obvious to GHL that this new direct distribution system is not working.
you have been great about responding to my emails michael but i hate bothering you since everything has changed and only do so as a last resort. I have sent emails to the home office that have gone completely unanswered and have made posts on the ghl forum where some have taken a few days for a response and others no responses. If it wasn't for you the support would be non existent. I've sunk close to $3k into ghl equipment and the after sale experience has been disappointing to say the least. Sorry for venting but its just very frustrating because i could have just replaced the head unit on my apex for $200 instead of the huge investment i have made.


I am available to assist as best I can through email:

Support questions should be posted on our GHL Support Forum, that has not changed. I post on there to help as best I can. If I missed your post, my apologies. There are other members on the GHL support team and I cannot speak for them.

_NunoFerreira_, to which post are you referring to?
Maybe if everyone posts links here to their un-answered questions on the other forum maybe Vinny could reply to them all on that forum?
Michael you are going above and beyond....I for one appreciate it.

Here to help for now, I suppose it is a good time to let you all know by the absolute latest end of November I will no longer have any involvement in the brand other than our small research centre market that my clients have asked me to continue with.

The site will be switched to other projects in the pipeline and will still have some remaining in stock items until gone.

My holding company is now very busy with a series of philanthropic projects that we need to spend more time developing for our clients, furthermore we are now very dominant with a USA brand for the Canada market that keeps us very busy, coupled with the North American distribution of a UK based aquatic monitoring product! These projects alone killed off any thoughts of mid forties early retirement as did my wife !! :-((

Any existing direct clients and close users we have always supported of course will always have our support!

Of course I hope and trust the new GHL USA will carry on from our own success in the future and support improves.

In the meantime I will help Vinny out where I can.
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Michael I am truly happy for you and wish you best of luck in your future endeavors! You have been a tremendous help to me and greatly appreciate it.

Will we still be able to order equipment thru and if not, then where?

I have to make this observation but seeing how things have changed with GHL this year, the future for their aquarium division doesn't seem good.
Michael I am truly happy for you and wish you best of luck in your future endeavors! You have been a tremendous help to me and greatly appreciate it.

Will we still be able to order equipment thru and if not, then where?

I have to make this observation but seeing how things have changed with GHL this year, the future for their aquarium division doesn't seem good.

I will always be around for my direct clients just like yourself will always have access to things you need through me I just can not justify $$ the website long term the volume for a dedicated site is not there and we are not a retail company can not start expanding it further.
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totally understandable! Hopefully Matthias will provide details on how we will be able to obtain new or replacement equipment as needed.