arconom (7/25/2006)
After watching one of your lectures I was amazed with the wealth of information you have given me. Thank You for that.
Unlike your belief of treating all incoming coral and QTing to observe them, I currently treat all incoming corals. I don't believe this is the best method but I really don't want to take any chances and don't have a great camera to observe Red Bugs and Acro Eating Flatworms.
After all the incidents people have been having with AEFW's I would take red Bugs anyday. The information out there on AEFW is next to nothing. No test have been done in any controlled envirnment. So when I saw that you were looking for AEFW I was very excited that maybe you would be able to come up with a treatment plan.
Currently I acclimate all frags/corals by filling a 5 gal tank with enough water to cover the corals if I don't have enough water that the corals came in. I then start a drip. This goes on for an hour.
Then I cut a small piece of Interceptor and crush it up and put it in the the tank along with a heater and powerhead. I do this for 6 hours.
Now the scare of AEFW. People have been doing the 6 hour dip with interceptor and after 6 hours they make up a small batch of Tropic Marin Pro coral Cure and dip the frags/Corals for another 15 minutes. I really don't want to lose any incoming corals to this method. Since it seems very stessful to the corals
So I either use the Tropic Marin Pro coral Cure to treat for 15 minutes or do the 6 hour interceptor. I have heard conflicting stories of the TMPCC treating redbugs and AEFW. I do one or the other. I know in a way I'm gambling on the fact that some say that this new TMPCC will kill both Redbugs and AEFW.
I wanted your thoughts on my situation and many others. Also are you currently testing Tropic Marin Pro coral Cure and it's effects on either of the 2 parisites?