Is it really about $?

While I might enjoy a certain fish's mannerisms or addition to my aquarium more than another's, at the end of the day I'll be more annoyed by the loss of an expensive fish than the loss of a cheaper one. If I were to spend a lot of effort trying to get a cheap fish to eat, only to lose it after a few weeks, I'd still rather suffer that aggravation than the loss of an expensive fish with less effort invested in it. Perhaps it's because I view my aquarium as a hobby rather than a home for pets... I'm engaged in it for the challenge and visual appeal when I succeed rather than to have emotion invested in each fish.

That said, I am rather fond of my jawfish :)
all fish lives are = in my system ,, but it sucks when you have a $100+ fish die because you have to save that much longer to get one(working people)
when i first set up my tank i bought 2 damsels for like $3 each. one of them died and everyone was kinda upset. i think i'd be more mad if my tang died or my angel than sad. either way i'm going to be upset, but if a more expensive fish dies, than i'll be more mad as well.
I have been at this for over 20 years now. Needless to say, I have lost a few fish in that time. Everything from the $2 damsel to the $300 angel. If it was a new addition, then perhaps the $$$ does play a part. I wll be very sad, however, when my good friend Hannibal finally passes on. I have had him for almost 20 years now, through 4 homes, 3 or for girlfriends, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. What did I pay for him??? not a dime - the lfs I worked at had no place to put him so he was given to me straight out of the styrofoam shipping box he came in.

The bottom line is this. Most of us, i like to think, are in it because we like life, in all its diverse forms. If you are truly concerned more about a few dollars, why are you in to this (very) expensive hobby anyway???