Is my fish list ok?


New member
Hello RC friends, I'm setting up my reef tank in few months and I have been researching some of the fish I really want to keep, my tank would be 5ft x 2ft x 2 ft (150G) mixed reef leaning more towards SPS, I would like to know your opinion, here's my list:

* Regal Angel
*Majestic Angel
*Purple Tang
*Powder Blue Tang
*Harlequin Tusk
*Copperband Butterfly
*Semilarvatus Butterfly (Maybe)
*Blue Throat Trigger (Maybe)
* Flame Angel
*Potter's Angel (Maybe)
* Bartlett Anthias
* Wrasses
*Pair of Clowns
* Mida Blenny and one or two gobies.

Around 20 fishes, any comment would be appreciated, thank you.
