I just got two beautiful clams a week ago today from Clams Direct. They are both Maximas. The water quality is +/- perfect (the pH runs a little low when I turn on the light) the calcium and light and everything in the tank has been done knowing we were to get these guys. I was certain we had the perfect environment. This morning I got up, looked in the tank and noticed that the smaller Maxima had some mucus across the front (top to bottom) of the shell. But he looked fine ther than that. I figured something might had settled on him overnight from the Xenia or something. I went home at lunch, and turned on the light and the poor little guys looked as though he was eaten by something. I got a new food storage container, poked some holes to allow water to flow, and wired it to the top edge of the tank, I scooped him up (he did close) and I placed him in this makeshift hospital. I put a few layers of parchment paper to shade him. I did not want to move him out in fear he would not properly acclimate and any chance to save him would be lost. I have attached a couple of images I just ran home to take, and he still responds to the movement but not like he did. Is there anything I can do to save him? The larger Maxima is looking just fine. Please help!